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1. Training strategy
2. Maps
3. Marginal information and symbols
4. Grids
5. Scale and distance
6. Direction
7. Overlays
8. Aerial photographs
9. Navigation equipment and methods
10. Elevation and relief
11. Terrain association
12. Mounted land navigation
13. Navigation in different types of terrain
  - Desert terrain
  - Mountain terrain
  - Jungle terrain
  - Arctic terrain
  - Urban areas
14. Unit sustainment

A. Field sketching
B. Map folding techniques
C. Units of measure and conversion factors
D. Joint operations graphics
E. Exportable training material
F. Orienteering
G. M2 compass
H. Additional aids
I. Foreign maps
J. Global positioning system
K. Precision lightweight global positioning system receiver


The information, concepts, and skills already presented will help you to navigate anywhere in the world; however, there are some special considerations and helpful hints that may assist you in various special environments. The following information is not doctrine.

Navigation in different types of terrain
Desert terrain | Mountain terrain | Jungle terrain | Arctic terrain | Urban areas |

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